Thursday, September 27, 2007

Math Sept. 27, 2007

Please finish the following math pages.

Grade 5 page 16 and 17

Grade 6 page 33

Math is due Monday Oct. 1, 2007

Grade 6 Space Homework Due Monday Oct. 1st.

Space Homework

Book Summary
Students will read their space book carefully and search for important facts. Once an important fact is discovered, it needs to be written down onto their sheet. Try to encourage students to summarize the information in their own words or edit the information so that only the most critical information is written down.

Grade 5 Homework September 27th. Due Mon. Oct1st.

Opinion Writing Homework

Voting in the Provincial Election

Please write your opinion on which party you will vote for in the up coming provincial election. You need to create three paragraphs that will explain the three reasons why you will vote for a party. (One paragraph per reason.) The forth paragraph will explain why you will not vote for another party and why. Remember to use information learned in class and the each party’s election promises to support you reasons.

Always try to use good vocabulary and check spelling.

Please review the following websites to refresh yourself with each party's platform.

Green party =
PC =
Liberal =

Thursday, September 6, 2007


Hello Everyone.

We will be using this Blog to promote, display, and admire the wonderful work and learning that is occuring in Spruce Pod. This place will be an exciting porthole to our classroom. The same code of conduct that is required at Arbor Glen P.S. will be required when viewing and posting on this Blog. This is a positive place that illustrates our unique and special qualities. Please enjoy!