A busy week for everyone in Spruce pod. Many students will be enjoying the soccer tournament this Thursday.
All homework needs to be done carefully. Many didn't read last week's "problem of the week" math question carefully. This resulted in many incorrect answers. Please make sure you write down the answer in a sentence. Last week's answer should have been written like: There are 10 different combinations. This is short, clear and correct. Don't forget to also show your work.
Sheets will be given out in class.
Compare two books you have recently read. Please write the title and author of each book and have the homework written in proper paragraph form. Explain how they are similar and different and the last paragraph should have your opinion of which book you enjoyed more and why. The why is very important to obtaining a level 4 answer.
Math. Grade 6 problem of the week and textbook work. Grade 5 textbook work.
All homework needs to be done carefully. Many didn't read last week's "problem of the week" math question carefully. This resulted in many incorrect answers. Please make sure you write down the answer in a sentence. Last week's answer should have been written like: There are 10 different combinations. This is short, clear and correct. Don't forget to also show your work.
Sheets will be given out in class.
Compare two books you have recently read. Please write the title and author of each book and have the homework written in proper paragraph form. Explain how they are similar and different and the last paragraph should have your opinion of which book you enjoyed more and why. The why is very important to obtaining a level 4 answer.
Math. Grade 6 problem of the week and textbook work. Grade 5 textbook work.