Sunday, December 9, 2007

Monday December 10, 2007

Monday December 10, 2007

Hello Spruce Pod!Sorry for no blog up date last week. Many new and exciting things happening in the next two weeks. We will be working hard to perfect our Holiday concert routine. All family members will be very impressed. Homework will be as usual. This will be the last week of spelling homework for 2007. The last week of school is way to busy to properly focus on spelling homework.

We will be having Secret Santa. This fun holiday event will take place the last day of school. Presents shouldn’t cost more than $3.00 and are due two Wednesdays from now. The school and the pod are looking for many important items. Please review the following to see if your family can contribute.

  1. Holiday Bizarre: Any unwanted items such as: toys, books, music, etc.

  2. Spruce pod arts supplies: Any unwanted rubber or metal washers, buttons, nuts and bolts, fur or faux fur, cloth or material and ribbons.

Here is problem of the week! Remember to have all answers written out and you must show all work.