Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!

Hope all of you enjoyed the holidays. We will be resuming our standard homework schedule. Last week there was no spelling. Most of the students had work to finish from December and I wanted to focus on finishing these tasks before starting new work.

Thank you for completing school forms promptly. It is really appreciated when students hand in forms quickly. We are looking to collect several items to help our art program. For the next couple of weeks, Ms. Husband will be augmenting our art class. The project she is starting requires many household items. Could you please donate any thin wire, rubber bands, springs, metal or rubber washers, and nuts and bolts. Any left over plumbing or building supplies would really help make this project extra special.

Grade 6 students will start to receive EQAO homework. Arbor Glen has a proud history of high achievement and preparing the students early is always wise. I will also be starting the Spruce homework club. The club will run from 3:30pm to 4:10pm. A day of the week has not been established yet. I am waiting until all after school activities have been set to avoid any conflicts. This will be a fun club, with a strong emphasis on work. It’s really a great opportunity for students to complete homework with guidance of the teacher.